What this course does NOT cover (please read)

This course is not about your ethnicity results. If your overwhelm is specifically related to understanding them, this course does NOT cover that topic at all.

AncestryDNA provides some “tools” including New Ancestor Discoveries (NADs), DNA Circles, and DNA Story. None of these are discussed other than in passing.

This does not mean they aren’t helpful but they are not needed for the technique. Understanding many of the nuances of using them would make this course unneccearily long. I want you to overcome your overwhelm as quickly as possible.

Once you start using the Four Buckets Technique, you will likely be able to use DNA Circles and NADs more effectively. You do want to understand exactly how each tool works, though. Trying to use them without learning about them first will either lead to overwhelm or lead you down some of those incorrect and unnecessary paths. Using them correctly, in combination with the Four Buckets Technique, can super-charge your results.


This course does not cover:

  • Ethnicity results
  • Using "New Ancestor Discoveries"
  • Using "DNA Circles"
  • Using "DNA Story"

Topics that are covered were included at the end of the previous lecture.

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